
12:57 GMT
Position: 34º 39′ N  x 67º 02’W
Course: 331° True
Speed: 7.7kts  

Last night was spectacular for the stars and planets. I always enjoy finding the North Star and think of all our Virtual Shipmates that we’ve met in port stops and taught how to find this same star. Then as the morning broke we were back to clouds. A dreary damp morning. But after a warm breakfast (coconut curry) spirits are up even though there is some fatigue. I find that the first 24h are the most difficult as one has to get into a rhythm.

Sailing isn’t all blue skies, warm sun, and dolphins, as some social media posts would have you believe. It can be overly wet, requires constant attention to the boat for small maintenance projects (and sometimes big ones) and at least in racing, much time spent at the navigation station downloading weather 4 times a day to tweak the route to the finish. With the autopilot steering the boat and spray coming over the bow, we spend a bit of time down below trying to rest and be ready for the next sail change or squall coming through.

Progress is good and looking forward to recording our 24 hour run. Will we beat 200 nautical miles?? Based on distance through the water we have done so already but it would be nice to get distance over land too.

This blog was written in collaboration between Phil and his shore support team. Content is based on phone conversations, texts and revised drafts emailed between Fearless and shore.

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