We recently became aware of an alternative opportunity for self-expression. We decided to participate in this intriguing project. The idea behind unspoken symphony is to provide non-verbal ways of communicating. It all started when a father explained some of the challenges of having a non-verbal child, who suffers from two rare and severe forms of epilepsy.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals developed the idea of an alternative form of expression in which one makes a drawing or picture, either individually or as a family project. You then digitize the artwork (scan or take a photo) and upload it to the unspoken symphony website. The artwork is transformed into novel music based on the piece of art. The output is a video of the artwork with the music playing, as well as the corresponding sheet music.
This is a very creative way of allowing a different form of communication and self-expression!
We tried it out by uploading a flag that we developed with participants at a camp in Portland Maine. Signal flags are another method of non-verbal communication that sailors use on their vessels. During some of our port stops, attendees make their own flags that we then making into one large flag that we fly from the boat on future voyages.
Take a look at the sheet music and the video. Try it yourself by visiting unspoken symphony and see what you think. Let us know in the comments below!