
Use the buttons or click here to donate to Sail For Epilepsy. You may use your PayPal account, a debit card that is connected to a PayPal account, or a credit card. We encourage you to check the box under the billing information to share your mailing address with us to receive an acknowledgement of your donation for your tax records.

Prefer to donate by check? Click here for mailing instructions.

A proportion of all funds donated to Sail For Epilepsy flow through to our partners. The balance will be used to support the Sail For Epilepsy program.

If you’d like to consider a larger donation via a recurring monthly gift, you will be given that option during your check-out process. Also, if you’d like to make this gift in honor or memory of someone, please include that information in the ‘notes’ section when you make your donation.

Donor Advised Funds

Sail For Epilepsy welcomes gifts through Donor Advised Funds (DAF).

Legal Name: Sail For Epilepsy, Inc.
Legal Address: 505 Tremont St. #202, Boston, MA 02116

For our tax ID number or additional information to make a distribution request, please contact Sail For Epilepsy at: [email protected].


Sail For Epilepsy is already recognized as a charitable recipient via Fidelity Charitable and the Boston Foundation. As such, should you have an account with one of these firms, you can simply ask them to direct your donation to Sail for Epilepsy with no further steps required. 

Sail For Epilepsy is an IRS 501(c)3 organization and has been granted Massachusetts tax exempt status.

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