Sunset at sea

Time: 10:49 GMT
Position: 33º 48.857 N x 65º 51.736 W
Course: 330° true
Boat Speed: 10.0 kts

In the first 24 hours of the Bermuda Short-Handed Return Race, Phil and Coop have been busy on board. So far, they have used many sails: the A1.5, the A4, the code 75, jib, main, and spinnaker staysail, all of which require effort to swap out. Conditions continue to be hot, so they haven’t turned on the JetBoil yet to prepare food, opting for snacks of granola bars (Coop), boiled eggs (Phil), and using cold water to rehydrate their freeze dried meals.

They anticipate a cold front passing over them during the night so have been focused this afternoon on checking over the boat and resting, as they may both be needed for maneuvers as they push north.

“15 knots [of wind] from 210° magnetic. Our top speed of the day is 16 kts. The breeze will be coming forward as we get into the Gulf Stream. All is well!”

Last night at sunset a pod of dolphins played around the boat for about 20 minutes but were too shy to be caught on camera.

Follow the race!

Downwind conditions yesterday soon after the start of the race

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