One of the most popular nautical activities that we offer during events continues to be flag making. Our recent visit to New Orleans, hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Louisiana, was no exception. We welcomed over 75 members of the local epilepsy community to the Audubon Aquarium on Saturday, February 24th. Families gathered to meet Phil, connect with each other, participate in activities, and then spent the rest of the afternoon visiting the Aquarium.
Typically flag making is sandwiched between knot tying and boat making/racing. We speak a bit about the use of maritime signal flags for non-verbal communication with other vessels. A flag decoding activity is followed by the main event – making your own flag!
There are no rules to flag making – we suggest that the artist consider communicating something with their flag but it is not a requirement. Some of our most fulfilling moments from events come from the creativity and thoughtfulness that we see in the finished products. Unwavering support from family members, who used words like “Hero”, “Warrior,” and “His Fight is our Fight.” Celebration of achievements. Messages of positivity. All produced surrounded by a community who can understand the struggles, the challenges, and the importance of the being able to share these thoughts and emotions with others who can relate.
Carrying This Community With Us
Everyone who makes a flag is able to take it home with them. Before they leave we take pictures of all the flags made to then make one large real flag that we fly during future port stops and events. We are looking forward to flying the New Orleans flag!